Most of us feel dizzy right after eating, and its really hard to resist this, feel very tired and fatigue, I don't know really what's the scientific reason behind this though this is not a good feeling specially for those who are at work and still have a lot of load. Though let me share to you some simple treatment you can apply in able to recover fast:
Vitamin B for dizziness. It will be good that you make it a habit to eat foods rich with vitamin B, coz it consist of antioxidant that prevents the negative effect of free radicals on the nerves, and brain. And it has been prove also that a person lack of this mostly suffer from dizziness or vertigo. Whole cereals are rich with this so it will be good to serve it for your breakfast.
It will be good to cut down eating foods rich in carbohydrate, foods rich with this contribute to the fat in your body. Limiting intake of this will help you to avoid dizziness.
You should also avoid some drinks such as iced tea, diet drinks, and alcohol, also eating of salty and sweet foods at the same time. It still advisable to drink a lot of water, minimum of 8 to 12 glass of water.
Hope that this simple remedies would able to help you to be able to feel relax and comfortable in your job and avoid dizziness.
March 18 ,2010
I remember when I was sick and feeling dizzy, I eat bananas. Now I don't know if the potassium did the trick or simply because I liked bananas LOL!
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