I love taho and I used to buy one every weekend, I usually serve it with my breakfast. It is healthy and good for our body. It looks like a jelly with sweet syrup and some sago (other called tapioca pearl). Good to eat while it was still warm.
I can still remember the Baguio trip when I was able to taste their own version of taho. Instead of an ordinary sweetener they added up the flavor of strawberry. And it was really great, the best taho I ever tasted...^^,haha sort of a little exaggerated, though if you've able to try one you'll surely wouldn't forget it.
Just lucky that I still able to catch up the mangtataho vendor...^^,
March 08 ,2010
Taho is one of my favorite treats. Every morning, right after I finish jogging I make sure to have a glass of taho.
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