Summer time is a great time to have a vacation, most people will surely go to beaches to refresh and relax. Most girls would surely choose the perfect swimsuit that will make them look sexy and attractive. Though some might just choose not to wear one, afraid to show their belly fat. But don't be too worry coz there's still a chance for you to look sexy and prepare for your summer get away through choosing the right food to eat. Yes, through your daily food, let me share to you some of this:
Apple contains pectin, although all citrus fruits have this, apples have a great source of it. Pectin in apple restrict the cells to absorb the fat in your body. It is also rich in fiber that is also good for our body. And the feeling that you are full makes you eat less.
This fruit also contains pectin and helps to limit the fats just the same as apples.
Soybeans is rich in lecithin which helps to blocks cellular fat absorption and promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits. It would be advisable to have it three to five times a week, this will to boost your body’s ability to eliminate fats.
This contains of potassium that will boost your metabolism and regulates your body’s water balance. Milk and oranges are also good source of potassium.
March 11 ,2010
What's good about apples is that besides absorbing fat, it also reduces the cancer risk. It really is true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
I will start to bring a couple of apples to work. I also heard that you get more awake from eating an apple than drinking a coup of coffee. True??
Its very true and I used apples and bananas to reduce weight with hot water. I also walk 1 hr a day.
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